Monday, April 11, 2011

School Supplies

Today at school, I noticed how messy my backpack was! To find anything, I have to empty it all out. I barley have anything in there that is important anyways! Here is what was in my backpack when I first emptied it out:
- 4 folders (really messy)
- 1 binder (really messy)
- A pair of shorts
- A calculator 
- A wad of pencils (and I mean a wad, just a group of them, like twenty-six with a rubber band around them)
- A glass bead bracelet
- The trash from an old pack of Oreos
- A triangle ruler
- A girl packet (complete with girl things, nail polish, hand warmers, breath mints,  wisps, chap stick, five hour energy and ibuprofen)
- Colored pencils
- My school schedule 
- My spanish book
- My ID
    I let my mom wash it and thankfully it is clean and good to go for this week of school. That was so easy, unfortunately my English project doesn't seem to be going so fast or well. Here are some cute things I found to put into a backpack:
Or this organizer? Perfect!

Check out some of these pens: Pretty Flashy? Should be, this pen costs $570.00

BLoNde WeStSide NeRd

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